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*** ALERT *** This website experienced a service disruption on February 18, 2025. As a result, all FOIA requests submitted between 7:00 PM EST February 17, and 4:30 PM EST February 18, 2025 were lost and cannot be recovered. If you submitted a FOIA request via this website during this time period, and have not yet been contacted by a member of the NASA FOIA staff, please email us at and we will be happy to assist you. We apologize for the inconvenience.


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Register for an Online Portal account to submit a new FOIA request to NASA, check the status of all your FOIA requests pending with NASA, and communicate with NASA regarding a request.


Check the Status of a Request

Click this link and enter a request number to quickly check the status of that request without logging in.

* To submit an appeal for an existing or closed FOIA request, please follow the instructions provided in the initial determination letter you received. NASA’s Office of the Administrator is the office designated to receive appeals, and can only do so via regular mail to: Administrator; NASA Headquarters; Executive Secretariat; ATTN: FOIA Appeals; MS 9R17; 300 E Street, SW; Washington, DC 20546.